It is difficult for a non-Catholic to comprehend how fully the Roman Catholic Church is centered around the pope. It is for this reason that it has been said that the Catholic Church is the "worship of man."

"The Pope is the Roman Pontiff who, by divine law, has supreme jurisdiction over the universal Church. He is the su­perior of all religious. The pope may act alone or with a council in defining doctrine for the universal Church or in making laws. He is addressed as His Holiness the Pope. By title and right he is: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of St. Pe­ter, the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Ro­man province, and Sovereign of the State of Vatican City. "-The Catholic Encyclopedia, page 479.

The Annuario Pontificio is the official Vatican list of all the popes. It includes both the popes and, what the Vatican consid­ers to be, the "anti-popes." In the following list, the antipopes are italicized. It is of interest that some of them were canonized by the church! (See "217 St. Hippolytus," below). The year of his ascendency (when he took office) is given before each pope's official name.

Year Name of Pope

St. Peter

67 St. Linus

76 St. Anacletus or Cletus

88 St. Clement I

97 St. Evaristus

105 St. Alexander I

115 St. Sixtus I

125 St. Telesphorus

136 St. Hyginus

140 St.Piusl

155 St. Anicetus

166 St. Soter

175 St. Eleutherius

189 St. Victor I

199 St. Zephyrinus

217 St. Callistus I

217 St. Hippolytus

222  St. Urban I

230 St. Ponti an

235 St. Anterus

236 St. Fabian

251 St. Cornelius

251 Novatian

253 St. Lucius I

254 St. Stephen I

257 St. Sixtus II

259 St. Dionysius

269 St. Felix I

275 St. Eutychian

283 St. Caius

296 St. Marcellinus

308 St. Marcellus I

309 St. Eusebius

311 St. Melchiades

314 St. Sylvester I

336 St. Marcus

337 St. Julius I

352 Liberius

355 Felix II

366 St. Damasus I

366 Ursinus

384 St. Siricius

399 St. Anastasius I

401 St. Innocent I

417 St. Zosimus

418 St. Boniface I

418 Eulalius

422 St. Celestine I

432 St. Sixtus III

440 St. Leo I


Year Name of Pope

461 St. Hilary

468 St. Simplicius

483 St. Felix III (II)

492 St. Gelasius I

496 Anastasius II

498 St. Symmachus

498 Lawrence (501-505)

514 St. Hormisdas

523 St. John I, Martyr

526 St. Felix IV (III)

530 Boniface II

530 Dioscorus

533 John II

535 St. Agapitus I

536 St. Silveri us, Martyr

537 Vigilius

556 Pelagius I

581 John III

575 Benedict I

579 Pelagius II

590 St. Gregory I

604 Sabinian

607 Boniface III

608 St. Boniface IV

615 St. Deusdedit or Adeodatus

619 Boniface V

625 Honorius I

640 Severinus

640 John IV

642 Theodore I

649 St. Martin I, Martyr 

654 St. Eugene I

657 St. Vitalian

672 Adeodatus II

676 Donus

678 St. Agatho

682 St. Leo II

684 St. Benedict II

685 John V

686 Conon

687 Theodore

687 Paschal

687 St. Sergius I

701 John VI

705 John VII

708 Sisinnius

708 Constantine

715 St. Gregory II

731 St. Gregory III

741 St. Zachary


Year Name of Pope

752 Stephen II (III)

757 St. Paull

767 Constantine 

768 Philip

768 Stephen III (IV)

772 Adrian I

795 St. Leo III

816 Stephen IV (V)

817 St. Paschall

824 Eugene II

827 Valentine

827 Gregory IV

844 John

844 Sergius II

847 St. Leo IV

855 Benedict III

855 Anastasius

858 St. Nicholas I

867 Adrian II

872 John VIII

882 Marinus I

884 St. Adrian III

885 Stephen V (VI)

891 Formosus

896 Boniface VI

896 Stephen VI (VII)

897 Romanus

897 Theodore II

898 John IX

900 Benedict IV

903 Leo V

903 Christopher

904 Sergius III

911 Anastasius III

913 Landus

914 John X

928 Leo VI

928 Stephen VII (VIII)

931 John XI

936 Leo VII

939 Stephen VIII (IX)

942 Marinus II

946 Agapitus II

955 John XII

963 Leo VIII

964 Benedict V

965 John XIII

973 Benedict VI

974 Boniface VII

974 Benedict VII

983 John XIV


Year Name of Pope

965 John XV

996 Gregory V

997 John XVI

999 Sylvester II

1003 John XYII

1004 John XYIII

1009 Sergius IV

1012 Benedict VIII

1012 Gregory

1024 John XIX

1032 Benedict IX

1045 Sylvester III

1045 Benedict IX

1045 Gregory VI

1046 Clement II

1047 Benedict IX

1048 Damasus II

1049 St. Leo IX

1055 Victor II

1057 Stephen IX (X)

1058 Benedict X

1059 Nicholas II

1061 Alexander II

1061 Honorius II

1073 St. Gregory VII

1080 Clement III

1086 BI. Victor III

1088 BI. Urban II

1099 Paschal II

1100 Theodoric

1102 Albert

1105 Sylvester IV

1118 Gelasius II

1118 Gregory VIII

1119 Callistus II

1124 Honorius II

1124 Celestine II

1130 Innocent II

1130 Anacletus II

1138 Victor IV

1143 Celestine II

1144 Lucius II

1145 BI. Eugene III

1153 Anastasius IV

1154 Adrian IV

1159 Alexander III

1159 Victor IV

1164 Paschal III

1168 Callistus III

1179 Innocent /II


Year Name of Pope

1181 Lucius III

1185 Urban III

1187 Gregory VIII

1187 Clement III

1191 Celestine III

1198 Innocent III

1216 Hononus III

1227 Gregory IX

1241 Celestine IV

1243 Innocent IV

1254 Alexander IV

1261 Urban IV

1265 Clement IV

1271 BI. Gregory X

1276 BI. Innocent V

1276 Adrian V

1276 John XXI

1277 Nicholas III

1281 Martin IV

1285 Honorius IV

1288 Nicholas IV

1294 St. Celestine V

1294 Boniface VIII

1303 BI. Benedict XI

1305 Clement V

1316 John XXII

1328 Nicholas V

1334 Benedict XII

1342 Clement VI

1352 Innocent VI

1362 BI. UrbanV

1370 Gregory XI

1378 Urban VI

1378 Clement VII

1369 Boniface IX

1394 Benedict X/II

1404 Innocent VII

1406 Gregory XII

1409 Alexander V

1410 John XXIII

1417 Martin V

1431 Eugene IV

1439 Felix V

1447 Nicholas V

1455 Callistus III

1458 Pius II

1464 Paul II

1471 Sixtus IV

1484 Innocent VIII

1492 Alexander VI


Year Name of Pope

1503 Pius III

1503 Julius II


1522 Adrian VI

1523 Clement VII

1534 Paul III

1550 Julius III

1555 Marcellus II

1555 Paul IV

1559 Pius IV

1566 St. Pius V

1572 Gregory XIII

1585 Sixtus V

1590 Urban VII

1590 Gregory XIV

1591 Innocent IX

1592 Clement VIII

1605 Leo XI

1605 Paul V

1621 Gregory XV

1623 Urban VIII

1644 Innocent X

1655 Alexander VII

1687 Clement IX

1670 Clement X

1676 BI. Innocent XI

1689 Alexander VIII

1691 Innocent XII

1700 Clement XI

1721 Innocent XIII

1724 Benedict XIII

1730 Clement XII

1740 Benedict XIV

1758 Clement XIII

1769 Clement XIV

1775 Pius VI

1800 Pius VII

1823 Leo XII

1829 Pius VIII

1831 Gregory XVI

1846 Pius IX

1878 Leo XIII

1903 St. Pius X

1914 Benedict XV

1922 Pius XI

1939 Pius XII

1958 John XXIII

1963 Paul VI

1978 John Paul I

1978 John Paul II




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